Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.
Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.
Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke. This 2-stroke ready-mixed alkylate petrol contains no sulphur, benzene or aromatics. It is therefore much better from a health aspect to use than regular petrol. In fact normal petrol contains so much benzene and aromatics (read solvents) that it is a real health risk to use in 2-stroke engines.
Aspen 2 is also chemically inert so you can comfortably leave the fuel in the machine and it will not gum-up. It will also store for years whereas normal petrol start to go off after 30 days. If you care about your health, your environment and your machinery - Aspen alkylate petrol is your only choice!
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