Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.
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Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.
Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.
Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.
Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.
Aspen 2 is a ready-mixed (2%) alkylate petrol for all 2-stroke small capacity engines with a recommended mix of 2% or 1:50. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.
Aspen 4 is the cleanest petrol that you can use. Aspen is made from Alkylate Petrol which is made from the gases from the top of the distillation tower which is then synthetically modified into a liquid again. The result is a petrol that is totally free from sulphur, benzene and aromatics (solvents).
Aspen 4 is the cleanest petrol that you can use. Aspen is made from Alkylate Petrol which is made from the gases from the top of the distillation tower which is then synthetically modified into a liquid again. The result is a petrol that is totally free from sulphur, benzene and aromatics (solvents).
Aspen 4 is the cleanest petrol that you can use. Aspen is made from Alkylate Petrol which is made from the gases from the top of the distillation tower which is then synthetically modified into a liquid again. The result is a petrol that is totally free from sulphur, benzene and aromatics (solvents).
Aspen 4 is the cleanest petrol that you can use. Aspen is made from Alkylate Petrol which is made from the gases from the top of the distillation tower which is then synthetically modified into a liquid again. The result is a petrol that is totally free from sulphur, benzene and aromatics (solvents).
Aspen 4 is the cleanest petrol that you can use. Aspen is made from Alkylate Petrol which is made from the gases from the top of the distillation tower which is then synthetically modified into a liquid again. The result is a petrol that is totally free from sulphur, benzene and aromatics (solvents).
Unleaded ethanol-free storage fuel for all types of vehicles designed to keep the whole fuel system unaffected for years.
Honda fuel additive for winter and other long periods of storage. Prevents oxidation and gummy build-up associated with oxidation and ensures a smooth start after long periods of storage. For all 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines with or without catalytic converters.
Alkylate fuel ideal for 4-stroke Husqvarna engines. Minimizes engine deposits, helping maintain performance, reduce the need for maintenance and prolong engine life. 1L bottle.
Alkylate fuel ideal for 4-stroke Husqvarna engines. Minimizes engine deposits, helping maintain performance, reduce the need for maintenance and prolong engine life. 5L bottle.
Husqvarna XP Power 2 advanced 2-stroke alkylate fuel mixed with 2% Husqvarna XP 2-stroke oil, formulated for Husqvarna products. 1L bottle.
Husqvarna XP Power 2 advanced 2-stroke alkylate fuel mixed with 2% Husqvarna XP 2-stroke oil, formulated for Husqvarna products. 5L bottle.
Stihl Moto4Plus is petrol developed specifically for Stihl small 4-stroke engines. This petrol is user and engine friendly thanks to fewer emissions. Can be kept in storage for up to five years. 1L bottle.
Power tool petrol developed specifically for Stihl small 4-stroke engines. User and engine-friendly thanks to fewer emissions. 5L bottle.
Stihl MotoMix is a patented premixed fuel, specially blended for ultimate performance. Available in 1L, 5L, 55L drum and 200L drum.
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